Friday, July 16, 2010

Welcome Back!

Summer has flown by and we are now back in full swing at school. I am looking forward to working with you and your child(ren). I will be visiting classes once a week and covering many topics this year. Throughout the year off we will be learning about many different character traits. Remember students can be recognized for demonstrating those traits in the classroom and be recognized at a 9 week celebration and receive tags to add to there lanyards. If they have never received a tag or lanyard this is the year to start their collection.

Our first trait that we will cover is responsibility. Responsibility is a life skill that students will use at school, home and in the community. There are many ways at home you can help your child develop this skill. Some things you can do are give the chores to do such as making their bed, helping with the dishes, caring for a pet and doing their homework when it is assigned. Teaching these skills now will prepare them for the future.